Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Epagneul picard PICARDY SPANIEL

Epagneul picard PICARDY SPANIEL

FCI-Standard N° 108 / 25. 09. 1998 / GB

TRANSLATION : Mrs Kincaid.

ORIGIN : France.


UTILIZATION : Pointing dog.

CLASSIFICATION F.C.I. : Group 7 Pointing Dogs.
Section 1.2 Continental Pointing Dogs, Spaniel type.
With working trial.

GENERAL APPEARANCE : A strong, broadbacked dog, well boned with strong limbs; gentle expression; head carriage gay and striking. Very well constructed forequarters.


Skull : Wide and rounded, prominent occiput; parietals flat.
Stop : Sloping to the muzzle, not at right angle.

Nose : Brown, medium sized, nicely rounded.
Muzzle : Long, sufficiently wide, tapering from the set on at the skull to the nose; very slightly arched in the middle part.
Lips : Of medium thickness, slightly let down, not hanging.
Eyes : Dark amber in colour, well opened; expression frank and friendly.
Ears : Set on rather low, framing the skull with beautiful wavy, silky hair.

NECK : Well let into the shoulders, muscular.

BODY : Haunch bones slightly lower than the withers.
Loin : Straight, not too long, wide and full.
Croup : Very slightly sloping, rounded.
Chest : Deep, sufficiently wide, reaching well down to elbow level.
Flanks : Flat, yet deep, though with a slight tuck-up.

TAIL : Set-on not too high. Hanging down in two slight curves, convex and concave. Not too long, furnished with lovely silky feathering.


FOREQUARTERS : Forelegs straight, well muscled, feathered.
Shoulders : Shoulder-blade rather long, somewhat upright, sufficiently muscled.
Upper arm : Well muscled.
Elbow : Well set.

HINDQUARTERS : Hindlegs well feathered down to the hock.
Haunches : Prominent, reaching to the level of the back and loins.
Upper thighs : Straight, long, broad, well muscled.
Hocks : Slightly bent.
Rear pastern : Straight.

FEET : Round, large, tight, with a little feathering between the toes.

SKIN : Rather fine and supple.


HAIR : Dense and not too silky; fine on head, slightly wavy on the body.

COLOUR : Grey mottling with brown patches on different pads of the body and root of tail. Most often marked with tan on head and limbs.

Height at the withers : 55 to 60 cm.
A tolerance up to 62 cm is accepted for males.

FAULTS : Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree.
Head pear-shaped, too narrow.
Skull too square, too narrow, too short.
Stop at right angle.
Nose black, pointed, pinched; split nose.
Muzzle too short, too curved.
Lips too thick, too short.
Eyes too light, too deep set, level with the skull; slit eyes; vicious look.
Ears narrow, short, set on too high, too curly or lack of silky hair.
Neck too long, too thin, too short.
Back too long, sunken.
Loin too long, too narrow, too weak.
Croup too sloping.
Chest too narrow, not deep enough.
Flanks too full, too deep, with excessive tuck-up.
Tail carried in sabre-fashion, too long, too curled, set-on too high or too low.
Forelegs without feathering, fine, tied at elbows or out at elbows.
Shoulder blade short, too upright or too oblique, sloping too much backwards.
Upper arm with weak bone.
Pastern joint knuckling over.
Haunches too low, too high, too close together.
Upper thighs narrow, lack of feathering.
Hocks too bent or cow-hocked.
Feet narrow, flat or splayed.
Skin too thick.
Hair fine, silky, curly, or too short.
Too much brown colour, patched with white or black.

Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B. : Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

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